1. A Russian Roots: Born on June 17, 1882, in Oranienbaum, Russia (now Lomonosov), Stravinsky's early exposure to the rich cultural heritage of his homeland played a significant role in shaping his musical style. He drew inspiration from Russian folk music and the works of influential composers like Rimsky-Korsakov, making his compositions uniquely vibrant and infused with Russian sensibilities.
Ígor Fyodorovitch Stravinsky, one of the most influential composers of the 20th century, was born on June 17, 1882, in Oranienbaum, near St. Petersburg, Russia. He came from a musical family, with his father Fyodor Stravinsky being a prominent bass singer at the Imperial Opera in St. Petersburg. Stravinsky's early education in music began with piano and composition lessons from renowned teachers, including Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. He initially showed great promise as a pianist and composer, but it was his compositional genius that would ultimately shape his career and leave an indelible mark on the world of music.